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Personal, Social and Health Education

Personal, Social & Health Education

At Woodthorpe, we believe that PSHE is integral to our school culture, values and Woodthorpe character. We endeavour to promote the importance of having respect for ourselves and those around us. We aim to ensure each child develops a deep understanding of not only themselves, but their peers and other members of our society, as well as how to respond to a wide range of emotions in themselves and others. We are proud to serve families from a range of catchments in the local area: the school population is comprised of children with a varied range of social and economic backgrounds. 

With such a broad school demographic, we take pride in our responsibility to promote the values of community, respect and diversity. We strive to prepare our pupils to become positive citizens, with an awareness of British Values (Democracy, Rule of Law, Individual Liberty, Mutual Respect and Tolerance of those of different faith and beliefs) which are taught and celebrated through every aspect of our school culture including our PSHE curriculum, assemblies and whole school theme days. 

In addition, children are taught key skills for life through following the whole school Jigsaw PSHE scheme of work. Six puzzle pieces are explored throughout the year, one each half term; these include – Being Me In My World, Celebrating Difference, Dreams and Goals, Healthy Me, Relationships and Changing Me. 

We enhance our PSHE curriculum with links directly to our personal development offer in school. As a school we offer a range of enrichment opportunities for our children including a broad range of clubs, trips and experiences. We are proud to offer our children the ‘Woodthorpe 50 things’ as part of our curriculum. This is a list of 50 opportunities that all of our children will achieve before they leave us at the end of year 6 including enrichment activities, character traits, experiences and more! Throughout the school year we carefully select national events and explore these as a school such as World Mental Health Day, Anti-Bullying Week and Safer Internet Day. We welcome a host of visitors to our school to share their experiences, occupations and talents which link to our PSHE curriculum and wider school curriculum. In addition to this, each day every class takes part in a daily circle time. Our circle times are planned to ensure they meet the needs of our children. Weekly, they include questions related to British Values, Our Behaviour Curriculum (mental health), Personal Development, Safeguarding and Curriculum. 

We understand that without emotional wellbeing, children cannot achieve their academic potential, and therefore place great emphasis on this aspect of children’s development and success in school, seizing every opportunity to support our children’s mental and physical health. Through our focus on resilience and growth-mindset, we encourage children to challenge themselves in the face of adversity, pushing themselves to achieve the very best in all aspects of the curriculum. Our robust PSHE curriculum aims to equip children with the knowledge, skills and understanding necessary to lead safe, confident, healthy, and independent lives now and in the future.

PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) and RSE (Relationships Sex and Health) Policy 2025-2026

PSHE Key knowledge & skills progression

Sample Knowledge Mat

RSHE – A guide for parents & carers

PSHE Woodthorpe

Jigsaw content overview

Jigsaw information leaflet for parents & carers

How does Jigsaw meet the personal, social & emotional development in early years

Jigsaw 3-11 and RSHE overview

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