School policies cover every aspect of school life. Below are some of our most important policies for your reference.
If you want to know our policy on something that is not listed or if you would like paper copies of any of the policies listed below, please contact the School Office.
PSHE (Personal, Social, Health Education) and RSE (Relationships Sex and Health) Policy 2025-2026
Access to Trust policies, including admissions, safeguarding, SEND, complaints and charging & remissions policies are available here.
The Trust’s financial information, including our annual accounts and gender pay gap reports are available here.
Our Trust’s legal documentation and privacy notices are available here.
The Trust’s Privacy Notices can be accessed here.
Year 2 loved meeting Ellie Hendry today who helped out with our rugby triathlon, all in aid of @OscarsCharity.
Thank you @YorkValkyrie and @YorkRLFC for coming to visit! #WPSYSport #WPSYY2
We had a brilliant day joining in for the rugby triathlon and raising money for a such an important charity 🏉 #WPSYSport
We are really proud of our Hockey team for their brilliant participation and teamwork in the tournament on Thursday. Well done everyone involved! 🏑 #WPSYSport #woodthorpecharacter
Reception had lots of fun today finding Easter pictures in our outdoor area. Some of them were really hard to find! Everyone got an Easter treat to say well done for finding them all! Happy Easter everyone! 🐥🐥🐥