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School newsletter

Welcome back to the Spring term at Woodthorpe – we hope that you and your family had a wonderful festive break. We have had a fantastic couple of weeks back at school, everybody has settled really well and each class is enjoying their new curriculum topics. Read the newsletter in full….
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What an incredible term we have had, full of exciting opportunities and amazing progress. It has been a joy to watch the nativities this week and we have just been blown away by the children’s performance skills! From twinkling stars, to groovy sheep, Woodthorpe has it all! Read the newsletter in full….
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There are some lovely moments captured within this newsletter. It is so wonderful to see the children so happy and enjoying their learning. As many classes have been completing their RE units on Christianity over the past few weeks, we have been lucky enough to have been supported by Reverend Luke Tillett and everyone at...
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Next week we have our first parents evening meetings of the year. We hope that everyone has managed to book a meeting to hear how well their child is doing within school. The children are excited to share their work and tell you all about the topics that they have been studying so far this...
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Welcome to our end of half term newsletter. There has been some fantastic learning this half term and the children have been an absolute credit to our community. Thank you to parents for supporting us and helping with reading, homework and spooky costumes! Read the newsletter in full….
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Thank you to everyone for supporting our Hello Yellow day on Tuesday, we spent time throughout the day talking about how we can keep ourselves healthy, both physically and mentally. We also considered the charities that are available to support people who need that little extra help. With your help, we are able to send...
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We have had our first trips and sporting fixtures of the year. Year two have spent time in a Victorian workhouse, which they all absolutely loved, poor Miss Wheeler was asked to wear a special hat because she was naughty! Our KS2 football teams have both had their first matches and represented the school exceptionally...
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The end of another amazing year at Woodthorpe Primary – thank you for the support that you have shown throughout the year, we have all really appreciated the lovely messages and comments. Our job is made so much easier because we have such fantastic children who make us smile every single day! Read the newsletter...
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Welcome back to another exciting school year! It has been so lovely seeing everybody again and children have settled really well into their new classes. Curriculum overviews were emailed to parents last week and provide a great summary of what the children will be learning this half term. Clubs also started back this week and...
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Thank you to everyone who was able to attend our sports days. We had record number of parents turning out to support our children. The children really appreciated the support and how special you helped make it. Well done to all parents who took part in the adult races – the competition levels are also...
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