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Jane Taylor


Happy New Year! We have had a lovely start to the new term with year groups starting some amazing new topics. In good work assembly today, year 4 children were explaining their new science topic on sound, other children were talking about PSHE and the hopes and dreams they have for the future… while another...
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Seeing families back in school for things like the Christmas fair and nativity performances have been wonderful and we wanted to say a massive thank you to all of our school community for supporting us! This term everyone, even in such difficult times, has shown continuous kindness, generosity and support. Read the newsletter in full….
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We have had such a busy few weeks within school and highlighted some really important events such as Odd socks day, Anti-bullying week and Children In Need. I was so thrilled to hear about our year 2 girls who had done their own fundraising for Children in Need, showing just how caring and thoughtful our...
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Next week we will mark the national Anti-Bullying week. We will mark the start of the week by wearing odd socks to recognise that we are all different and unique. The messages that we will be sharing with the children are about reaching out and talking about any worries that we might have. Read the...
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This week we have marked Hello Yellow Day and raised well over £100 for this event. The children have spent time within school discussing mental health and we have completed an assembly about how we can keep our mental health positive by using some simple tips & advice. Read the newsletter in full….
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We have exciting news about our new Twitter page. Over the next few weeks we will start posting frequently on these pages so that parents have more of an insight into what is happening within school and all of the exciting activities the children have been doing. Read the newsletter in full….
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Welcome back! It has been wonderful to see all of the children back for the start of the new year. To start the year and help settle the children back, we have all been doing one of our art units. The newsletter is therefore full of amazing artwork completed by the children in their first...
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As always – thank you for your continued support throughout the past year, your kind words and support have been very much appreciated by everyone within school. Looking through the comments that parents have made on school reports is always a pleasure and reading that 100% of parents who answered the survey would recommend us...
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Welcome to our latest newsletter, we have some amazing pictures and examples of the children’s learning to share with you. One of our favourite moments in the last few weeks was when the school band performed in front of the whole school. They have performed at a couple of community events recently but the picture...
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Firstly, can I say an enormous thank you to all of our families who joined us for sports day this week. It was amazing to see our school community join together in such a positive and enjoyable way. The children’s behaviour was fantastic and we are always so proud of everybody’s sportsmanship. As ever, the...
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