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At Woodthorpe we pride ourselves on our sporting provision that is available to all children throughout school. Our PE lessons in EYFS & KS1 focus on building fundamental motor competence skills. From this secure base, children progress onto using and applying skills in a range of competitive sports in KS2, including implementing rules, strategies and tactics. Challenge underpins our teaching, encouraging all children to achieve their best and push themselves to the limit. We want our children to learn how to overcome barriers, developing levels of resilience and respect for others.

As we believe keeping fit is a fundamental skill for life, one of our PE lessons each week focuses on this. We cover a range of activities such as circuits, boxercise and yoga with an emphasis on developing an understanding of the importance of exercise and healthy participation, aiming for all of our children to become active participants and have a good level of basic fitness.

The curriculum is enhanced by structured play at lunchtime by our sports coach. After school sports activities are delivered every night and are linked to pupils’ interests. There is a commitment to actively encourage some of our most vulnerable children to take part in clubs; these pupils having priority for places. We track participation and attendance of these clubs throughout childrens’ time at school. Our children take pride in representing our school in numerous external competitions which are often linked to our club offer – football and netball leagues, athletics competitions, triathlons to name a few. 

We are also lucky enough to have a range of external coaches in school (football, cricket and dance). These further promote enjoyment and engagement within the subject along with providing teacher’s with CPD opportunities.

Due to the local issues we encounter around water safety, we prioritise swimming lessons. All children in Years 4, 5 and 6 receive a weekly 45 minute lesson for a half term led by an external swimming teacher.

We teach our OAA objectives through our Forest School. Every child throughout school participates in a weekly hour-long session for a half term each year led by a specialist teacher. EYFS benefit from weekly sessions as we believe instilling these skills into children from an early age is key to their love of physical activity.

Key knowledge & skills progression – Sport

Sample Knowledge Mat – Year 6 Tennis

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